NCCN shares new guidance principles for vaccinating people with cancer against COVID-19

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NCCN shares new guidance principles for vaccinating people with cancer against COVID-19

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) put out new information today to provide guidance for COVID-19 vaccinations in people with cancer. The nonprofit alliance of leading cancer centers created an NCCN COVID-19 Vaccine Committee that includes top hematology and oncology experts with particular expertise in infectious diseases, vaccine development and delivery, medical ethics, and health information technology. These recommendations can help cancer care providers make informed decisions on how to protect their patients from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, based on available evidence plus expert consensus. The committee’s recommendations state that all people currently in active cancer treatment should get the vaccine, with some advice to consider regarding immunosuppression and timing. The full document can be found at, along with other vital information about the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care.

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