Discovery of epigenetic factors predicting the severity of COVID-19

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Discovery of epigenetic factors predicting the severity of COVID-19

The international COVID-19 pandemic has changed the behavior patterns of humanity. To date, more than 136 million people have suffered from the disease and more than 2.9 million of them have lost their lives. The symptoms of the infection vary widely in the population, from individuals who do not present any symptoms to those who need admission to intensive care units with emergency assisted ventilation. It is largely unknown what factors are responsible for this range of very different clinical pictures. Today, an article published in the journal EBiomedicine, The Lancet’s sister journal for laboratory findings, by the group of professor Manel Esteller at the University of Barcelo and ICREA Research Professor and Dr. Aurora Pujol, also ICREA Professor and head of the Neurometabolic Diseases Group of the Bellvitge biomedical campus, shows that the epigenetic endowment of each person influences the severity of the COVID-19 disease.

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